![]() 05/14/2014 at 14:42 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I'm having a very hard time now, I've been sick for more than two years (burned out, depression) and I've kinda been keeping up. We've got a new government in Norway now, a government that thinks that cheaper booze and cheaper fuel will somehow be a good thing for people.. Sure it COULD'VE been, but they propose to cut back my support as well.. by almost 33%.. So yeah, looks like I'll go from "just able to survive" to "damn how will I fix this".
So yeah.. my point, I'm fully paid up on my intrawebzors for the next two months, but after that, nah can't afford it, not that I've contributed that much here anyway, but I felt like you guys should know that I might be gone in a few monts.
PSA: Oppo is just fun, the MAIN problem with me not having internet is paying bills, I have to pay 8 bucks on top per bill if I choose to pay them at my local bank.
Sorry dudettes and dudes, I'm on a rant.. Love you all.
![]() 05/14/2014 at 14:45 |
Go to your local library and use their computers.
![]() 05/14/2014 at 14:46 |
I will, but they have a bandwith limit :)
![]() 05/14/2014 at 14:47 |
Laird Andy...I am a political nut what government did you get? Who got kicked out?
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Move to Glorious Sweden?
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:( we could cheer you up to get rid of depression.
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hang in there brother. All will work out in one way or another. Maybe a lifestyle adjustment, maybe something else. Keep us up to date on how it is going.
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Live in your car and buy a good cell data plan.
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Boooooo. We like having you here. Silly government.
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We've had what most Americans would call Socialists for a LOOOONG time (truth be told they were more Social democrats/soft capitalists), We've now got a coalition composed of what I se as capitalists and right wing fundamentalists... heh.. (keep in mind, I'm from Norway AND I'm a socialist) Honestly though southern democrats combined with the tea party and southern republicans (with a touch of green party).
![]() 05/14/2014 at 14:53 |
Thanks dude, I like being here as well. I feel at home :)
![]() 05/14/2014 at 14:56 |
Thats a bummer man. Hope things turn better for you.
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Can't do that, without a permanent adress I'll be considered homeless, and homeless people can't get a cell data plan at all (nope, not kidding)
![]() 05/14/2014 at 14:58 |
Thanks dude. :)
![]() 05/14/2014 at 15:00 |
dude :( I'd try and find a place that offers wifi and bum off them to pay those things. You'll find a way dude i'm sure.
![]() 05/14/2014 at 15:01 |
So basically you did a pretty big shift and everything was setup one way but now a completely different style of government is in charge?
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I'll find a way, I'm just fed up... I live in perhaps the richest country EVER, and my government propose to cut back on support for them who's ill... that ain't right.
![]() 05/14/2014 at 15:03 |
Sorry to hear that, I hope it works out ok for you
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I can't say I know you too well myself, but depression is serious and I wish you the best. Focus on making yourself the best you can be and happiness will follow.
Get well asap.
![]() 05/14/2014 at 15:04 |
Pretty much. And I used to work about 300 hours per month.. then I got sick, now I'm being punished because of that.
![]() 05/14/2014 at 15:05 |
Thanks dude. I know this post was a very selfish one. But stuff like this help :)
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Being selfish has nothing to do with it. If you don't care about yourself, who will?
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My friends.. :) I've got people who tell me to keep on fighting, and that's what keeping me up :)
![]() 05/14/2014 at 15:18 |
you're telling me man. I have dual citizenship with Mexico and so does my wife (Mex native). If we need any healthcare, duh we can just drive to Mexico (I live in Texas just a couple hours) and we can get what we need, anything for little to no cost. With that new Affordable Healthcare Act, we are forced to purchase healthcare here in Murica or face a fine up to 1% of my yearly income, which could fucking ruin me. I was shopping around and coverage for me and her from a local place not including dental (she has braces) would be around $750 USD a month.... A MONTH!! for something we will never use or face a huge ass fine if we don't get.
Still, there are plenty of things I can do not be so dang broke but a semi comfortable life will be extremely difficult to achieve. I've always believed that government will never decide how I lived. The best and worst times of my life I and only I have to blame for. But damn that mindset is getting real hard to follow.
![]() 05/14/2014 at 15:25 |
sorry to hear all this. All I've heard of Norway is that there is a lot of oil up there, I believe The oil industry is either owned of heavily controlled by the government, and therefor the government is better funded than almost any other on a per capita basis. I'll hope the best for you. Find some Wifi where ever you can. Best of luck.
![]() 05/14/2014 at 15:25 |
The thing about free health care in Norway (we've had that for a while) is that how much you pay in taxes is based on how much you earn (well, it was at least). You're rich, well, we'll tax you more, you're poor, we'll tax you less. Same goes for School (basically free here). We don't need to BUY healthcare, we've already bought it. That means that the guy at wallmart have the same rights as the guy who earns trillions on wall street (well, not really.. but I guess you understand)
Some people think that this is unfair, but.. BUT... the rich people need the poor, how would the rich get pizza delivered at the door and such without the "less fortunate"? )
![]() 05/14/2014 at 15:26 |
We've got tons of money, "we" just don't care about whomever get's sick.. But I'm guessing I'm better off here than in the US anyway :P
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everyone that is sick and not rich is better off than here. I've stayed at a job I despise for years for fear of losing my health insurance, now they're cutting back. I need a new job.
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here it sucks to be in the middle. Very poor people get a bunch of break I wish I could get. plus, many find ways and to receive money. They claim they can't work and get money from the gov. They get money for unemployment. They get money for all the kids they have. The find ticky ways like renting out a room and give it some type of terminology to receive money. I have a cousin who seriously make as much as me ALL from government checks fully able to work. He works a job that that earn just under the cut off amount to fund expensive and pointless expenses. Then you have rich people that.... they are rich, period lol. it's us in the middle and worse, people like me in the lower part of the middle that pays the heavy taxes and full price of fuel and food to cover for the now mostly leeches at the bottom. But oh well :]
![]() 05/14/2014 at 15:38 |
It's mostly the same here... if you are in the right spot you'll get all the goodies. So yeah. Anyway, your rant made me (not happy) but in a better mood, you've got that thing with them words dude :)
05/14/2014 at 15:39 |
I wish you can overcome your depression. Try to think the bright sides: less time on internet = more time to use on something creative which in the best case scenario might help you with the depression or help to pay the bills. And I'm sure you can find free wifi somewhere so you can pay the bills.
![]() 05/14/2014 at 15:43 |
I seemed kinda like a kid that had his toy taken away didn't I :P Sorry about that. But there's a reason I spend my time here (on ze interwebs) :) That said tho' I DO spend time with people, I spend most of my time wrencing on cars actually. But yeah, I know what you mean :)
05/14/2014 at 15:57 |
Nah, not at all. I hope I didn't come off as rude. I've seen depressed people just spend their time on interwebs or just doing nothing so that's great to hear. Anyways I hope the best of luck to you!
![]() 05/14/2014 at 16:03 |
I fully understand, no doubt :) You're never rude dude. That's why I told you guys about it :)
![]() 05/14/2014 at 16:04 |
duuude it'll be ok. as long as you have 2 out of the following 3 things. OPPO for your eye's, METAL in your ears, or a lady on your pole :]
![]() 05/14/2014 at 16:10 |
I have metal ;P AND I have this "The more I read, the more I acquire, the more certain I am that I know nothing." - Voltaire
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You're getting nothing but love and positive thoughts from me.
![]() 05/14/2014 at 16:46 |
Get a PO box?
![]() 05/14/2014 at 16:47 |
Won't help actully, tried that before :)
![]() 05/14/2014 at 17:02 |
beautiful sir, that is rad. I love learning yet it can be sad sometimes but always rewarding :]
all I have is...
"wise man says forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza"
-Michelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles :]